Pranic Healing for Depression
An energy healing approach to heal depression naturally near you.
Last updated on September 07, 2023
Table of contents
What Is Depression?
Depression, often referred to as major depressive disorder (MDD) or clinical depression, is a serious mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed. It is not just a passing mood but a complex illness that can significantly disrupt daily life.
Depression can develop by changes in brain chemistry and neurotransmitter imbalances, such as serotonin and dopamine. It can have a genetic component or psychological basis e.g. anxiety or self-esteem issues. It can develop after someone goes through a difficult situation such as financial hardships and divorce. Even a major surgery, miscarriage or diagnosis such as cancer can lead people into depression. Women are susceptible to prenatal and postnatal depression during pregnancy and after giving birth to a baby. Depression such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be caused by living in colder climates with less sunlight. Many people have been experiencing post COVID depression as part of their long COVID symptoms.
Symptoms of Depression
Depression feels like a cold gray ocean inside our mind through which no sunlight can pass through. We can feel our body but can’t feel our emotions. This dark ocean is invaded by sharks of unworthiness and hopelessness feeding on the rich diet of sadness inside us. As they gain strength, we don’t feel like eating, stepping outside or engaging with people around us. The choice is to be devoured by these sharks or put up a fight. Sometimes, we want to fight but feel powerless.
Before we can fight the sharks and swim out of the deep dark ocean of misery, we need to understand what we are fighting against.
What really is depression?
Have you ever touched or visibly inspected sadness? How about trying to measure it? We can use a scale to calculate our weight. There is a machine to measure almost everything about us. But till today, there is no machine to measure depression.
Since we can’t measure it, can we deny depression’s existence? We can’t because many of us feel it on a daily basis.
So, what exactly are we feeling?
What is this invisible power weighing us down?
Where does hopelessness live in our body? Is it in our brain or liver?
If we try to search for it in our visible physical body, we can never find depression’s habitat. We can only find the ramifications of depression’s presence in our bodies e.g. lowering of serotonin and norepinephrine and significant reduction in the number of natural killer cells.
We need to expand our definition of who we really are to go beyond the visible physical body to discover depression’s true nature and its habitat.
According to the Pranic Healing system, every living entity has not one but two bodies - 1. visible physical body and 2. invisible body made of light.
The traditional medical system deals with the visible body. The Pranic healing system, just like acupuncture, tai chi and chi gong; deals with the invisible body or the energy body. In simplistic terms, this energy body consists of auras, chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy pathways). This light or energy is called prana, chi, ki or ruah in different languages.
When our energy body and energy centers or chakras are filled with good energy and are balanced, we are healthy. But the presence of disease energy in the auras and chakras creates imbalances leading to both physical and psychological health issues.
Pranic Healing, a “no-touch” energy healing system, restores the health by manipulating and harmonizing pranic energy in auras and chakras to accelerate the body's own natural ability to heal itself to restore health and vitality. It has also been described as ‘acupuncture without needles’.
Pranic Healing has been found effective in healing stress, anxiety, depression (1), enhancing cognitive functioning (2), insomnia (3) and more. If you are new to Pranic Healing, please read ‘What is Pranic Healing’.
From a Pranic Healing perspective, any form of negative thoughts, stress, anxiety and depression, is a form of disease energy that lives in the habitat of the energy body. As different chakras manage different physiological and psychological functions, presence of diseased depression energy in these chakras have consequences. For example, depression energy in the Solar Plexus chakra can lead to indigestion or loss of appetite. Another hallmark of depression is not having a sufficient amount of prana in the chakras. It feels like having no energy and motivation to do anything as our chakra batteries are drained of vital prana.
“People who are depressed have a depleted energy body. The Basic chakra, navel chakra, Spleen chakra and Solar Plexus chakra also get depleted. In addition, stress, traumatic energy and negative thoughts of fear, poor self-esteem, doubt and pessimism have to be removed from the Solar Plexus chakra, crown chakra and the ajna chakra. The heart chakra has to be activated.
Cleaning and energizing these chakras will produce results. The rate of improvement will vary. It may take several weeks to several months to substantially improve based on the severity of depression.”
Why do we need Pranic Healing as a natural option to overcome depression?
Antidepressant medication and talk therapies are usually offered as first-line treatments for depression. Although these treatments are effective for some people, there is great room for improvement. A substantial number of patients, up to 50%, do not show improvement with treatment (4). Also depression relapse is a real issue with a 39-72% recurrence rate (5). Hence, treating depression once is not enough. It is clear that a non pharmacological approach is much needed to augment the standard care (6).
Naturally, in addition to the traditional therapies, people are searching for natural remedies to calm down their depression. Use of complementary therapies such as yoga, meditation, nature walks, art therapy and herbs has been gaining momentum. These approaches are designed to enhance the overall wellbeing. Simply using these approaches tends to bring a gradual shift.
For a more targeted healing approach, we need to tackle depression directly in its habitat. Since negative thoughts of unworthiness and hopelessness reside mostly in our chakras, in addition to the standard care, it is fitting to use an energy-based approach, such as Pranic Healing, to combat depression energies head on. In fact, Pranic Healing offers comprehensive techniques to flush out thought-entities of sadness, stress, anxiety and even addictions.
Also, the person dealing with depression needs to be taught self care techniques to use on a daily basis to minimize chances of relapse. Pranic Healing techniques can be learned and practiced by anyone on their own to strengthen their chakras in order to safeguard against any potential intruders in the future.
How does Pranic Healing provide natural depression relief?
Pranic healing technology offers a comprehensive complementary solution for depression. The healing strategy can be divided into three distinct components.
Pranic Emotional Healing: Advanced Pranic Healing techniques are utilized to flush out depression energy from all major chakras and auras. An energy boost is given to all major chakras. As the chakras are healed, the mind becomes calm yet energized.
Advanced Pranic Healing for physiological symptoms: Advanced Pranic healing protocols are used for symptoms such as insomnia, low immunity, pain, respiratory and loss of appetite that tend to be present in someone dealing with depression.
In a study, 69.2% of depression patients’ condition improved with antidepressant medication and mock Pranic Healing while 100% of the depression patients’ condition improved with antidepressant medication and Pranic Healing for 4 weeks (1).
A recent study documents the case of healing insomnia using Pranic Healing (3).
A study done on the wellbeing of incarcerated individuals showed remarkable improvement in physical and emotional well-being and insomnia after receiving Pranic Healing for just one week (7).
Meditation: Pranic Healing system teaches special guided meditations designed to heal chakras.
A pilot study done on one of the meditations shows a 300% increase in serotonin and melatonin, making it perfect for stress relief.
In a 2021 study, 96.9% of the participants reported doing Pranic Healing meditation was very useful for them to control their mental health status (8)
Another study showed 83.5% participants felt happy and enthusiastic after one month of meditation practice.
Also, research has shown both immediate and long-term improvement in cognitive functioning by doing the Pranic Healing meditation (2).
Depression case study
At The Joy of Pranic Healing, we can share the case of a middle-age woman who had taken early retirement from a large organization due to depression. She lived alone and rarely left home except for her doctor's appointments. When we spoke with her for the first time, we could barely hear her voice as she was too depressed to even speak normally. Both in-person and distance Pranic Healing sessions were performed for her over a couple of months. During that time, her condition gradually improved. In the end, she was well enough that she attended Pranic Healing training. She found happiness again and became an active and enthusiastic volunteer to support Pranic Healing events.
Free video course
Learn quick and yet powerful techniques to
Feel your own prana or energy
Snap out of tiredness using self energy cleansing
Learn about chakras or energy centers
Meditate to feel super charged
How to receive Pranic Healing help to heal depression.
Pranic Healing help can be availed in several formats. Here, we are describing a staged strategy that we recommend at Joy of Pranic Healing.
Stage 1 - Seek professional help
For depression healing, we recommend seeking help from a certified Pranic Healer. An experienced Pranic Healing practitioner would design a highly targeted healing protocol tailored to the disease and the symptom profile of the person that needs healing. Healings are performed using this healing protocol over a period of time till the person starts to feel better or is considered in remission by a medical doctor.
Stage 2 - Receive guided self-care
As part of the healing process, the Pranic Healing practitioner also develops a custom plan to do potent meditation and breathing exercises specially designed to flush out stress and sadness energies from auras and chakras that the healing recipient can do on her own on a daily basis to promote overall well-being.
By combining personalized healing with guided self care, most people are able to feel better at a faster rate.
Stage 3 - I can heal myself
Once the healing recipient’s symptoms are in remission, our recommendation for the healing recipient is to learn Pranic Healing. Pranic Healing is easy to learn and practice. It takes only 16 hours to learn the basics in Level 1 Pranic Healing training.
That would give you simple yet powerful tools to do regular self-healing for depression, anxiety and sadness etc with just waving and flicking your hands!
These training sessions provide a toolset of easy-to-practice yet powerful energetic tools to do regular self-healing. Anytime the symptoms of depression start to creep in, the person can heal their chakras by using their palms for a fast relief. Learning Pranic Healing is the best gift you can give to yourself.
Practicing the self-care techniques combined with self-healing regularly makes the energy body strong, building an immunity against future depression flare ups and psychological intrusions.
Benefits of using Pranic Healing as a natural healing solution for depression
As a complementary medicine, receiving Pranic Healing care has many benefits.
Safe: Pranic Healing is a no-touch energy healing modality. Pranic Healing does not interfere with regular treatment whether it is psychotherapy or pharmaceutical approach. It also does not require the recipient to take any herbs or supplements. This is especially important for prenatal and breastfeeding moms who may wish to avoid taking any herb or medicine and looking for a natural solution for relief from depression.
Convenient: Pranic Healing does not require any dietary or other significant lifestyle changes. All changes such as sleeping better or more socializing happen naturally as the person starts to feel better.
Comfortable: The person can receive healing sessions from the comfort of their home. Tele-Pranic healing virtual sessions work as effectively as in-person.
How do I get started with Pranic Healing?
Read about Pranic Healing
Online - What is Pranic Healing?
Free course - A free video course
Books - There are more than a dozen books on Pranic Healing. Here are our suggestions to get started.
Miracles Through Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui, Amazon link
Superbrain Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui Amazon link Amazon link
Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui Amazon link
Your Hands Can Heal You by Master Stephen Co & Eric B. Robins M.D. Amazon link
Learn Pranic Healing to be a director of your health destiny.
Check schedule for the upcoming Level 1 training (16 hrs) - schedule link
Receive professional care to heal the body and mind.
Schedule a 45 minutes consultation to discuss your case with a certified Pranic Healing practitioner. Consultation scheduling link
Not sure where to start?
Schedule a free 15 minutes call
1. Rajagopal et. al., 2018, Amelioration of mild and moderate depression through Pranic Healing as adjuvant therapy: randomised double-blind controlled trial, PubMed
2. Tarrant et. al., 2019, The Effects of Meditation on Twin Hearts on P300 Values: A Repeated Measures Comparison of Nonmeditators and the Experienced, PubMed
3. Aithal et. al., 2018, Treatment of Insomnia by Pranic Healing, JCDR
4. Cuijpers et. al., 2020, Treatment outcomes for depression: challenges and opportunities, The Lancet
5. Robberegt et. al., 2023, Meta-Analysis: Relapse Prevention Strategies for Depression and Anxiety in Remitted Adolescents and Young Adults, JAAACAP
6. Kuyken et. al., 2016, Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Prevention of Depressive Relapse, JAMA Psychiatry
7. Jois and Lancy, 2018, Effectiveness of Pranic Healing on Functional Health and Wellbeing of Inmate at Mysore Central Prison, IJPHD
8. Joshi et. al., 2021, The Need, Feasibility and Willingness to Explore “Meditation on Twin Hearts” as a Self-administered Tool for Mental Health Management among Transgender Women: An Exploratory Survey, PubMed