What are chakras or energy centers?
A definitive guide to chakras for beginners as well as yoga, meditation and energy healing aspirants and practitioners
Last updated on October 12, 2023
Table of contents
What are Chakras?
Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that are a very important part of the energy body anatomy. Derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "disk," chakras are gateways for the flow of life force energy (prana) throughout the energy body.
What is the origin of chakras?
The concept of chakras is ancient. They are mentioned in texts and practices of various ancient civilizations.
In India, chakras are written about in sacred texts of Vedas and Upanishads.
In China, knowledge of energy centers or chakras are used in the practice of acupuncture as acupuncture points.
In Kabbalah, the tree of life’s sephiroths provides veiled knowledge of chakras.
At present, the Pranic Healing system, a form of energy healing system developed systematically and scientifically over 20 years, offers one of the most comprehensive and easily accessible information on chakras. Information in this article is based on Pranic Healing books.
If you are new to Pranic Healing, read ‘What is Pranic Healing?’.
Why are chakras so important?
Chakras are essentially prana or life-force processing plants. They absorb prana from various sources, process and distribute them to various organs they manage. They also expel the used-up and diseased prana energy from the system. Without properly functioning chakras, we can not enjoy good health and vitality. For example, a poorly functioning Ajna chakra can manifest as eye pain or headache or both.
Chakras are also intimately connected with our emotional and mental health. When people experience anger, their Solar Plexus chakra is filled with dirty red prana. A quick sweeping of the Solar Plexus chakra can calm the person down in a matter of minutes. More details on chakra’s impact on our emotional well-being can be found in our articles on Mental Health.
Some of our chakras are responsible for spiritual well being. For example, every time we pray or meditate, Crown chakra is activated. A highly active Crown chakra would keep us connected to our higher selves and keep us centered no matter what is going on around us.
Has there been any scientific study on chakras' existence and their relationship with health?
There has been scientific research done to validate the existence of chakras by Dr. Joie P Jones, Dept of Radiology Sciences, University of California, Irvine. He conducted research over several years to study acupuncture points and subsequently Pranic Healing using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology. He realized that the acupuncture points actually twist around needles as they are stimulated.
“He (Dr. Joie Jones) discovered that the acupuncture points are made of 2 parts. The upper part and the lower parts. These 2 parts are constantly moving in the opposite directions. When the upper part is moving clockwise, the lower part is moving counterclockwise and this motion alternates between clockwise and counterclockwise. ”
Due to the whirling or twisting motion of energy, acupuncture points are called chakras as chakras means wheels in Sanskrit.
Prof Joie Jones did more research to validate the connection of chakra healing with physical health. In the initial experiments, he stimulated a chakra or acupuncture point UB67 known for healing vision problems by an acupuncture needle and noticed that the visual cortices of the brain lit up. Later, he repeated the same experiment using the no-touch Pranic Healing method instead of an acupuncture needle for stimulating the same chakra and found that it was equally effective (1).
Chakra Attributes
Here, some important attributes about chakras are shared.
Shape: A chakra is shaped like a traffic cone. The front part of the cone is a whirling disc and the tapered part connects the chakra with a meridian or energy highway.
Size: The chakras are categorized as major, minor and mini in type based on the size. The actual size of the disc shape of the chakras, on average, can range from a few inches to less than an inch. The actual size depends on the person's age, health status and spiritual development.
Function - Each chakra carries out a very specific function that influences our physiological, psychological and spiritual health.
Color - Chakras are filled with a specific set of color pranas. A chakra can have one or more color pranas. Each color prana has a certain potency and purpose.
Location: Most of the major chakras are located on the central meridian in the energy body. Mini and minor chakras are found on organs, joints and throughout the rest of the body. For example, palm minor chakra is in the center of the palm.
More information on a few major chakra’s function, location and color will be shared later in this article.
What is chakra blockage and how to know if a chakra is blocked?
Chakra blockage is a generic term commonly used for anything that ails a chakra.
The word ‘blockage’ points to a condition where something is blocking the flow of either gaseous or liquid substance e.g. water in a water pipe. But chakras are not pipes. Chakras are more like a fan with spinning blades. Meridians or nadis are more like pipes through which prana energy flows. So, it would be appropriate to use words such as blockage for stagnation of energy in a meridian but not for a chakra.
According to Pranic healing, a more precise way to explain an anomaly in chakra function is 1. if it is spinning too fast or too slow or 2. It has too little or too much energy. So, there are 4 distinct reasons for a chakra to malfunction but none of them can be described as chakra blockage.
The reason for the generic term ‘blockage’ to become popular is because, in the past, most of the chakra knowledge has been theoretical. When we don’t have direct experience with, and a way of validating a phenomenon, we tend to conjure up our own explanations to fill that void. Without knowing how to touch, feel, see, measure and manipulate chakras, this is exactly what has happened in the field of energy anatomy and ‘chakra blockage’ has become almost mainstream.
One of the greatest contributions of the Pranic Healing system is the introduction of ‘scanning’ technique to feel and measure components of the energy anatomy. Scanning is a technique to feel energy in your palms and direct this sensation to measure a specific chakra or aura’s size. Scanning is easy to learn. All Pranic Healing students learn to ‘scan’ within the first 2 hours of the Level 1 Pranic Healing training.
Learning to ‘scan’ is liberating. Now, you can measure your own or your loved ones' chakras. You do not need to believe in anyone who says ‘your heart chakra is blocked’. You can scan and see if your Heart chakra is spinning too fast or slow or has too much or too little energy for yourself.
In the absence of the ability to scan each chakra, people tend to rely on gut feeling or their emotional state of mind to figure out issues with chakras. For example, it is said that if someone is feeling tired, moody, shy or indecisive, then that is an indication that their chakras must be blocked. If they are feeling happy and good then the chakras are balanced. But the chakra malfunction is not limited to emotional health. Chakras have physiological functions too.
Even if a chakra is malfunctioning, it is not necessary that we would feel anything e.g. a headache or bad mood. For example, someone can have hepatitis C or early stages of cancer, both diseases that would have many major chakras malfunctioning and out of balance, but the person usually does not feel any physical or emotional symptoms at all. Another good example is fertility issues that are connected with the imbalance of Sacral or Sex chakra. It is not uncommon to not have any discomfort or symptoms and infertility is diagnosed after experiencing difficulty trying to conceive. Just because someone is not experiencing tangible physical or emotional discomfort, it doesn’t mean that the chakras are healthy.
That’s why we can not rely on how we feel to check our chakra health. Scanning is an objective way to check the chakra wellbeing. If our scanning reveals an imbalance, then the chakras should be healed and balanced.
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How are chakras balanced?
Chakras are dynamic. They are constantly changing in size, activity level and color of the prana they hold based on our emotional state of mind or the type of activity we are engaged at a given time. In fact, everything we do affects our chakras. Eating food will change the size of chakras responsible for managing the digestive system. If we spend even 10 minutes in nature or lie down in grass, our chakras size will change. If you pick a random person off the street and measure their chakras, it is almost certain that their chakras will not be balanced. Temporary unbalancing of chakras is normal.
According to Pranic Healing, when all of our major chakras are almost the same size and are filled with good prana, we are healthy. It is important that we keep our chakra healthy and scan them on a regular basis. The challenge lies in prolonged or chronic unbalancing of chakras which can lead to health issues in the long term.
There are several ways to balance chakras. We can divide them into indirect and direct methods.
Doing yoga is an example of an indirect method. Each yoga asana and mudra is designed to affect the quality and quantity of prana energy in auras and chakras. If you can find good quality information on which posture affects a certain chakra, you can do the posture to activate that chakra.
Doing meditation by focusing on chakras is another indirect method of activating the chakras.
If we do deep breathing, chakra size will change. But if we do the exact same deep breathing in nature, chakra size will change even more.
Yoga, breathing exercise and meditation are all wonderful methods. But the person trying these methods can only hope that their chakras are getting balanced. There is no way to verify the degree of balancing that actually happens. Have you ever asked questions such as, “Are my chakras 5% more balanced or 50% than when I did yoga/deep breathing/meditation/something else?
One of the easiest ways to answer this question is by scanning the chakras. By combining the knowledge of scanning with your yoga, breathing or meditation practice, you can easily validate if your chakras are actually getting balanced and take your practice to the next level. In a Pranic Healing training, students measure their chakras before and after meditation to check its impact on the size of each chakra.
Just like eating healthy and exercising, indirect methods of chakra balancing are good for maintenance of good health. But for someone with issues e.g. insomnia, anxiety or migraine, indirect methods of balancing the chakras may not be as potent and expeditious as desired.
Pranic Healing technology offers a much more direct approach to measure, heal and balance chakras. The step-by-step techniques taught are precise and easy to practice. Every time you heal your chakras, with the knowledge of scanning, you can do before and after measurements to make sure it is happening for real.
The efficacy of chakra balancing using Pranic Healing technology was measured using scientific instruments specially designed to measure pranic energy by Dr. Motoyama(2).
Pranic Healing perspective for someone suffering from cancer is that the lower chakras are much bigger in size and upper chakras are smaller. Pranic Healing protocol suggests increasing size of the upper chakras and shrinking size of lower chakras to achieve balance. In an experiment, Apparatus for Meridian Identification was used to measure Qi or prana energy levels in meridians of a subject with breast cancer before and after performing Pranic Healing to balance the chakras. The measurements showed significant relative changes in prana energy. The relative decrease in prana energy level was most clearly noticeable in meridians related to the lower chakras which the healer targeted for “inhibition.” Conversely the most noticeable relative increase in energy level was seen in the meridians related to the upper chakras targeted for “expansion.”
It is wonderful to be able to measure that the chakras are being balanced using the Pranic Healing approach. But can balancing chakras have an impact on healing a disease?
Since, according to Pranic Healing, in the case of cancer, there is a significant chakra imbalance, we can review a breast cancer case.
Recently, a case study (3) was published for a 63-year-old patient who was diagnosed with stage 4 carcinoma breast with brain, lung and liver metastasis. In addition to standard medical care, 6 weeks of Pranic Healing intervention was done. Among other things, the Pranic Healing protocol involved balancing chakras by inhibiting lower chakras and expanding upper chakras to ensure their sizes become similar. After 6 weeks, there was dramatic reduction in metabolic activity and size of previously noted metastatic breast cancer involving the lymph nodes, lungs, brain and the liver.
There are several pilot and published research on Impact of chakra balancing using Pranic Healing on mental health. For example, in a double-blind study, 69.2% of depression patients’ condition improved with antidepressant medication and mock Pranic Healing while 100% of the depression patients’ condition improved with antidepressant medication and Pranic Healing for 4 weeks (4). More details can be found on our Mental Health page.
In the case of chronic chakra imbalance, even if the chakras are healed and balanced, they may not remain balanced for more than a few hours or a day. It is important to scan regularly and heal again till the affected chakras normalize. Balancing chakras is a lot like building muscles. There are no shortcuts to this process. That’s why it is important that everyone learns to take care of their chakra health on their own rather than relying on someone else to do it for them.
Is each chakra associated with one color?
No, a chakra is not associated with just one color. Most of the easily accessible information on chakras such as ‘muladhara or root chakra is red in color’ is partial information.
Chakras don’t have color like flowers have colors. Chakras look colorful because they are filled with colored pranas. Each chakras has multiple colors of prana and even several different shades of the same color. Some chakras have pranas of a rainbow of colors.
Chakras are dynamic. The intensity and color of prana in the chakra also changes constantly as the body performs different functions. For example, when we are eating food, the Solar Plexus chakra and Navel Chakras may produce more green prana to break down, assimilate and later produce more orange prana to eliminate the waste in the digestive and elimination system. In order to understand the colors of the chakras, we must understand the purpose and the function of each color prana.
Are there 7 chakras?
No. We don’t have just 7 chakras. According to the Pranic Healing system, our energy body is made up of hundreds of chakras. Based on their relative size, they can be divided up into 3 categories - major, minor and mini chakras.
In traditional knowledge of chakras, there is mention of only 5 or 7 chakras (based on which system you learn from). These are some of the major chakras in the system.
But truth is dynamic. In the Pranic Healing system, 11 major chakras and practical knowledge about their function and location is shared. These major chakras are connected with minor and mini chakras via energy highways called meridians or nadis in Sanskrit. If we take care of our major chakras, most minor and mini chakras receive energy and get healed automatically.
Pranic healing training focuses mostly on learning about and healing 11 major chakras and a few minor chakras. A great benefit of this is that anyone can learn Pranic Healing in a few weeks and still produce very good results making healing accessible to everyone.
A brief description of a few of the major chakras in the Pranic Healing system is shared here.
Forehead Chakra (Lalata chakra): Commonly known as Third eye.
Location: At the center of the forehead
Color: Light violet, blue, red, orange, yellow and green pranas
Function: The Third eye chakra manages the pineal gland and the nervous system. It is also the center for wisdom or lower intuition.
Imbalance: Epilepsy, paralysis and loss of memory
Ajna Chakra - Commonly confused and clubbed with the Forehead chakra, the Ajna chakra is a distinct chakra that actually directs all the chakras in the body.
Location: In the area between the eyebrows
Color: Light yellow and light violet prana
Function - The Ajna chakra manages pituitary gland, endocrine glands, eyes, brain and sinuses. It is also the center for higher mental faculty and will power.
Imbalance: All endocrine diseases such as diabetes and PCOS; stuffy nose, eye disorders, depression.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi chakra) -
Location - At the center of the throat
Color - Blue, green and violet color pranas
Function - The Throat Chakra manages the throat, thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, air pipe and food pipe and the lymphatic system. It is the center for concrete mind - for activities that require details such as studying, planning and communication.
Imbalance - Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, goiter, sore throat, loss of voice. Low creativity and inability to focus on details.
Heart Chakra (Anahata chakra) -
Location - At the center of the chest
Color: Golden and light red prana
Function- The Heart chakra manages heart, lungs and the thymus gland. It is the seat of positive emotions such as love, generosity and kindness.
Imbalance - Respiratory issues such as asthma, tuberculosis and all heart ailments. Grief and sadness can also create imbalance of the Anahata chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura chakra): Maniura chakra is a very important chakra for both physical and emotional well-being.
Location: At the hollow area between the ribs
Color: Filled with red, blue, green, yellow and orange color prana
Function: The Manipura Chakra controls the health of pancreas, liver, diaphragm, gall bladder and stomach. The chakra also contains the heating and cooling system of the body. It is also the seat of lower emotions such as anger, stress, jealousy etc.
Imbalance: Fever, acidity, high cholesterol, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart ailment other diseases related to above mentioned organs. This chakra is affected for all mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and PTSD.
Basic Chakra (Mooladhara or Muladhara chakra) - This chakra is also known as the ‘Root Chakra’ and is like the root of a tree. If the root is strong, the tree will also be strong and healthy.
Location: This chakra is located at the base of the spine.
Color: Filled with red, orange and yellow prana
Function: The root chakra controls and energizes the whole physical body. The muscular system and the skeletal system are controlled by the root chakra. Psychologically, it is the center for the instinct of survival and grit.
Imbalance: Root chakra imbalance can lead to depression, insomnia and diseases related to the musculoskeletal system.
All 11 major chakras are interconnected. A comprehensive healing protocol involves healing multiple chakras. Hence proper knowledge of all 11 chakras is important for the maintenance of good health. Learning about chakras has tremendous practical implications on choices we make every day to live a more balanced and joyful life. Here are some of the suggested resources to learn in-depth about 11 major chakras.
How do I get started with Pranic Healing?
Read about Pranic Healing
Online - What is Pranic Healing?
Free course - A free video course
Books - There are more than a dozen books on Pranic Healing. Here are our suggestions to get started.
Miracles Through Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui, Amazon link
Superbrain Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui Amazon link Amazon link
Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui Amazon link
Your Hands Can Heal You by Master Stephen Co & Eric B. Robins M.D. Amazon link
Learn Pranic Healing to be a director of your health destiny.
Check schedule for the upcoming Level 1 training (16 hrs) - schedule link
Receive professional care to heal the body and mind.
Schedule a 45 minutes consultation to discuss your case with a certified Pranic Healing practitioner. Consultation scheduling link
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J P Jones, 2005, Neurophysiological Measurements of Pranic Healing Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), Link
Koji Tsuchiya, H. Motoyama, 2009, Study of body’s energy changes in non-touch energy healing 1. Pranic Healing protocol applied for a breast cancer subject, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Journal Archives, Link
Nittur and Ganapathi,, 2020, Pranic Healing as a Complementary Therapy in Stage-4 Metastatic Cancer-A Case Study, JCDR
Rajagopal et. al., 2018, Amelioration of mild and moderate depression through Pranic Healing as adjuvant therapy: randomised double-blind controlled trial, PubMed