Spark joy in your life!

Attend Pranic Healing Intensive.

MCKS Level 1 training

February 15 and 16, 2025, Herndon, VA (9am to 5:30pm)

Early bird price ends Feb 5, 2025

Getting well with Pranic Healing. A series of Pranic Healing videos featured on CBS2.

Disease - Dis-Ease

A lack of ease and comfort in body, mind or spirit is disease. Whether it is headache, stress, brain fog, exhaustion, hypertension or kids being cranky and not able to sleep. We wish to live a joyous, goal-driven and purposeful life, something that is impossible to do when our body and emotions are weighing us down.

Many of us have quietly asked this question, “Can I take control of my wellbeing destiny? If yes, how?”

The good news is that yes, you can. Your wellbeing is literally in the palms of your hands. According to MCKS Pranic Healing, we all have prana/chi or life-force that keeps our bodies well. By simply using our palms to manipulate prana, we have the ability to restore our health. By learning and applying MCKS Pranic Healing techniques you can harness the power of prana to manifest the power within you to nourish yourself and your loved ones.

Step into the circle of healing and joy

Join us to learn MCKS Pranic Healing, a practical, safe and intuitive approach to boost and balance the prana within you.

Self care

Easily take care of day-to-day aches, pains and stresses in minutes using simple yet highly effective techniques taught during the training.

Family care

Same techniques can be applied as easily to your children, parents and friends even if they are thousands of miles away.

Rapid relief

With the proper application of techniques, most students gain relief from routine issues within minutes, hours or days. 


Guidance will be offered on how to use some of the techniques on a daily basis to maintain your energetic balance and boost your energy to avoid falling sick in the first place.

Peace of mind

Learning and practicing the techniques instills a deep sense of peace as you know that you can take an extra step for healing in addition to receiving proper medical care.


Sense of empowerment to help people around you going through difficult times in their lives.

Know Thyself

Start the journey of inner awakening to realize your true self and immense potential to serve, heal and grow every day.

Free video course

Learn quick and yet powerful techniques to

  • Feel your own prana or energy

  • Snap out of tiredness using self energy cleansing

  • Learn about chakras or energy centers

  • Meditate to feel super charged

Unique features of MCKS Pranic Healing

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui
Modern founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

  1. Holistic: Pranic Healing is a complimentary healing modality. It is not intended to replace regular medical diagnosis and treatments. Nor does it interfere with any care or treatment a student may already be receiving.

  2. Safe: It is a no-touch healing modality and safe to practice on all age groups.

  3. Easy to learn: Dense esoteric and energetic practices have been simplified and broken down into easy to learn and practice techniques. Even a high schooler can follow them easily.

  4. Analytical: With the concept of measuring energy, prana imbalance is measured before, during and after a healing session for validation and quality control.

  5. Thorough: Each healing protocol is rigorous. A step-by-step detailed protocol is provided for most common ailments such as headaches, diarrhea, cold, fever, arthritis etc. 

  6. Community: Pranic Healing is group work where fellow students tend to become friends and support each other throughout their healing journey.

  7. Global: Pranic healing is taught and practiced in most countries across the globe giving you access to a global community of do-gooders.

Training Curriculum

The curriculum is a well-balanced blend of explanation of novel concepts and practice of techniques.

Day 1

Morning Session

Part 1: Prana Energy Awareness

We may have heard of chi or prana. But how many of us have touched it and seen it? Hardly anyone. Be prepared to be amazed as you will not only feel prana in your palms but also see it all around you in beautiful colors. After all, even Quantum physics is based on wave-particle duality.

Part 2: Becoming a Healer

Believe it or not, all attendees will perform their first successful healing to remove pains and aches of their fellow classmates. You will also get in-depth information on energy anatomy and functions of 11 major chakras and meridians. You will understand ‘how and why’ what we think and feel has so much impact on our health.

Afternoon Session

Part 1: Taking an Energy Shower

We all take a shower everyday right? How often do we take an energy shower? Probably, never.  We will focus on removing negative energies and blockages that are holding us back. It’s so relaxing!

Part 2: Becoming a Proficient Healer

You will learn 7 important steps in the healing process and will practice a thorough healing protocol. You are already on the path to become a proficient healer.

Part 3: Charge Your Batteries

We all feel tired after a long day at work, traveling or managing too many responsibilities. You will learn how to quickly recharge yourself in a matter of minutes using the power of your own breath. No more resorting to caffeine or energy drinks.

Day 2

Morning Session

Part 1: Achieve Inner Peace

How do we connect with our true self and experience inner peace and bliss? Learn and practice a powerful meditation technique designed for busy go-getters to feel deep healing and joy.

Part 2: Divine Healing

God consciousness is everywhere. How do we tap into it and utilize it to produce potent healing results? Learn about your spiritual anatomy (yes, it is a real thing) and step-by-step techniques to heal issues such as respiratory.

Afternoon Session

Part 1: Healing Yourself and Loved Ones

I have a headache, back ache, knee pain etc etc. How do I take care of myself? How do I help my parents/siblings/children who live hundreds of miles away? Be prepared to do it all during this training. Some of our past attendees have even received text messages from family members about how much better they felt after the healing while the training was still going on.

Part 2: Spiritual Health

Did you know we have a spiritual body as real as our physical body? Healthy spiritual body leads to a healthy body and mind. You will learn about universal laws such as Law of Karma and virtues to keep your spiritual health in check.

Part 3: Daily Ritual

We are almost done and have learned so many new techniques. How do I use them judiciously? Receive guidance on which select techniques to use daily to maintain good energy and balance every day.

Free video course

Learn quick and yet powerful techniques to

  • Feel your own prana or energy

  • Snap out of tiredness using self energy cleansing

  • Learn about chakras or energy centers

  • Meditate to feel super charged

In attendee’s own words…

“I have learned more in first 3 hours of this class than all classes I have taken on healing topics over past 10 years. I wish I had come straight to Pranic Healing. It would have saved me a lot of time and money.

“My heart was heavy due to a personal issue for a year. The trainers did a quick healing and I feel as if a heavy weight of sadness has been lifted from my chest.”

“I had been having pain in wrist for over two years. It was painful to hold my grandchildren. My wrist pain completely disappeared after a 10 minute healing done on me during first day of the training. Thank you!”

Bring your family and friends along

A journey of inner transformation is more joyous when it is shared with people who are closest to us. We encourage you to invite your life-partner/parent/friend to attend the training with you.

Register for the training - February 15-16, 2025, 9AM - 5:30PM

1. New student - Super Early Bird till Feb 5, 2025

Level 1 Pranic Healing - $525

2. New student - Regular after Feb 5, 2025

Level 1 Pranic Healing - $625

Register after Feb 5, 2025

3. Review student - $150

Have questions about the training? Schedule a free 15 minutes call. Click on this link

More in attendee’s own words…

“These tools are easy to learn and apply in the daily life especially the Meditation of Twin Hearts. The training environment was very inviting, comfortable and inclusive.”

“Benefits of this training are enormous. It gives us the KEY to a better life and better the whole world. Every little technique we learned is useful in everyday life. Thank you so much for putting it together and teaching.”

Free video course

Learn quick and yet powerful techniques to

  • Feel your own prana or energy

  • Snap out of tiredness using self energy cleansing

  • Learn about chakras or energy centers

  • Meditate to feel super charged